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#sempreaperti Massimo Theater


The Massimo Theater is the biggest opera house in Italy and the third in Europe and was designed by architect G.B. Basile and his son Ernesto and built between 1875 and 1891. The style is eclectic Neoclassical, with a majestic staircase at the sides of which are placed two bronze powerful lions: one of them is the allegory of the Tragedy (opera by Civiletti), the other one of the Lyric (opera by Rutelli).

From Dec.22 to Dec.29 , you can visit the Massimo Theater by night for just 1€ …it will be open until midnight! Wanna make this night tour more fun? Take part at the Photo Contest. How? Simply by taking pics of the inside of the theater (during these special nights) and posting them on Facebook with the#sempreaperti hashtag.
The 2 pics with most likes will have the opportunity to win tickets for the 2017’s season! So what are you waiting for!? It’s a great opportunity to come back, visit Palermo and be our guest for one night!